Receding Hairline in Women Causes and Best Treatments

Is receding hairline in women a reality or does it occurs only in men? What are the women whose recede too? What are the good treatments can you opt for as a woman? Learn more about women frontal fibrosing alopecia, causes, prevention, treatment and much more.


Receding hairline in women otherwise known as frontal fibrosing alopecia can be seen as a condition where a woman’s hairline recedes and in some extreme cases, for up to 5 inches. It mostly, affects all around the scalp, forming a band like the pattern of hair loss. Although this condition is rare in women and much common in men, it does happen to women too.

Unlike in men,  in women, it hardly begins while they are teens as it is prevalent in women who are aged between 30 to 60 years but especially those in their post-menopausal.

However, although rare, it can affect young girls as young as 19 years old
When you have this condition, your hairline will begin thinning and afterward, your follicles will cease growing hair. However, women are likely to suffer from this condition after menopause, especially, when it is connected to hormonal changes.

Where does it happen?

Expect to have this problem on the frontal part i.e. around your forehead, on the temples either both or one i.e. receding hairline on one side of the temples.


Just as it does in men, it can cause many psychological problems that can be very overwhelming and leave someone feeling hopeless and helpless. Some women will lose their self-esteem, isolate themselves, lose confidence or suffer from emotional issues. In some extreme cases, depression and anxiety might result.

Hair is very important to every woman and its loss will definitely cause much stress. As already seen on causes, stress is one of them. This means you are likely to worsen it even more. Some women will want to hide it using wigs, scarves, hats, and wraps.

However, if you have it, not all is lost, female it can be dealt with using some of the treatment we are going to discuss as well as many others we will mention as we cover comprehensively on both how to stop receding hairline as well as how to treat it.

Causes of receded hairline in women

There are a number of causes. It is good to ensure you have seen a dermatologist or doctor help you identify what is causing it in your cases. Among the common causes, we have the following:

  • Hormonal imbalances (this is particularly vivid during pregnancy).
  • Ovarian Tumors
  • Adrenal gland tumors
  • Autoimmune disorders where the body destroys hair follicles.
  • Alopecia Areata
  • Excessive processing it
  • Excessive pulling it
  • Infectious diseases such as eczema, acne, and fungal infections
  • Trauma, especially burns on your hairline might make it never to grow back.
  • Lowe levels of estrogen have been found to accelerate the problem
  • High testosterone and/or DHEA
  • Birth control pill (they deplete zinc, which is essential for hair growth, and is high in male hormones).

These are some of the common causes. Some sources such as the American Academy of Dermatologists report that the exact causes are not known.

Symptoms, signs, and diagnosis

When you are suffering from particularly frontal fibrosing alopecia, expect to have a scarred strip that could have inflamed and reddened follicles. It is very easy to confuse this problem with female pattern hair loss and traction alopecia. Furthermore, although it is a form of scarring alopecia, it should not be confused with folliculitis or discoid lupus erythematosus.

To help know if it is caused by hormonal imbalances, professional healthcare experts usually measure levels of luteinizing hormonetestosteronefollicular stimulating hormoneprolactinandrostenedione, and DHEA. Serum ferritin, Serum Iron and Iron binding capacity tests are also done to know if the woman might be anemic as well as total blood count.

Finally, thyroid-stimulating hormone study is also important in knowing if any thyroid glands dysfunction could be causing the hairline that is receding.

Female receding hairline treatment

On f treatment, various approaches are used depending on what things have been determined to be causing it. Early diagnosis and treatment can help you stop further loss and help regrow more hairs where not all has been lost. Some of the common treatments for include the following:

  • Hormone Therapy – If hormonal imbalances are behind, then hormonal therapy is recommended to help return it to normal.
  • Use of Levothyroxine Medications – If you have thyroid problems that result from this problem, you will be given Levothyroxine, which is a thyroid hormone pill that will deal with hypothyroidism that might cause this hair loss.
  • Minoxidil and Propecia – These two medications can help in slowing down hair loss. Ensure you buy Minoxidil for women.  Use them after you know their interactions and side effects as not everyone can use them.

    Minoxidil has been found to help in vertex and crown hair regrowth. However, it cannot grow hair on a scalp but does help in slowing down the further loss.
  • Hair Transplant – if not all the treatments seem to work, you can go for a hair transplant. Your healthcare provider will assess and let you know if this will be of help.
  • Hair Strengthening conditioners and shampoos – to help reduce the problem, ensure you go for anti-hair fall conditioners and shampoos such as Nature’s Gate Biotin Shampoo that helps weak and thinning strands.

    These products can help nourish your hair roots, promote new growth, and fortify its hair shaft to make it strong. Try Hair Strengthening Conditioner Lavender to help make it stronger.

Remedies to prevent, stop or regrow hair back

Other than opting for the above ways on, one should strive to ensure it does not occur in the first place. Some of the common ways you can opt for include the following:

  • Stop using harsh chemicals that can affect it including hair dyes, bleaches, tints, and chemical straighteners.  As the American Academy of Family Physicians notes, “…they may cause inflammation of the hair follicle, which can result in scarring and hair loss.”
  • Minimize the use of curling irons and excessive blow-drying as this can cause loss too.
  • Stop pulling it often caused by anxiety, boredom, and nervousness.
  • Avoid making it too tight quite often as this can lead to a hairline recession.
  • Massage it with oil before going to bed and wash it in the morning when you wake up and comb while it is still wet to reduce breakages. This is to help increase blood circulation to the scalp. Furthermore, combine about 10 drops of sage and rosemary essential oils and use it. You can also use olive oil. Carrot oil is also good.
  • You can also brush it to increase blood flow to the scalp. Do this for about 3 minutes. It also helps in sebum distribution.
  • Avoid wearing perm as it can weaken hairline and make it recede.
  • Use fortifying shampoo to wash it at least 3 times a week. Ensure that during each wash you massage the shampoo well into your scalp and take a few minutes before rinsing it off.
  • Use Natural Hair Loss Shampoo.

How to hide it with hairstyles

While following the above ways treatment, you should ensure you have tried some of the recommended ways to hide your receding hairline.

  • Part it and let it naturally fall on your face. Avoid pulling it back as it wills instead emphasize it.
  • The other way to hide it is by avoiding taut ponytails or buns (although they help in lifting your face). Go for a loose and messy traditional ponytail, which will ensure a healthy scalp and hairline.
  • Use bangs to hide balding or thinning hairline. Blunt and straight bangs i.e. haircuts just above your face to cover the forehead. You can also try side-swept bangs as they can still hide your hairline.
  • According to WebMD, “…weaves may increase the risk of developing an irreversible form of scarring hair loss…” Instead, go for wigs that are made from women’s hair that can be washed, flat ironed, curled, etc.
  • Try a shorter haircut that will reduce the contract between the rest of your hair and your hairline that is receding.

We have discussed in detail what this issue is is treatment and its causes. Some of the above ways of preventing this condition will prove very helpful if they are followed keenly. You have also learned ways on how to hide or stop people from noticing it.